Blogging can be a great way to generate leads for your business and to connect with customers by sharing valuable information with them. As more companies take to blogging, it’s becoming more and more important to adopt a professional approach which makes the most of your blogging efforts and communicates effectively with your target audience.
With business blogging steadily on the rise, B2B companies are able to reap maximum benefits by way of higher rankings on SERPs and higher ROI generated for their business. Hubspot statistics in 2018 revealed that 53% of the marketers considered blogging as the top content marketing priority. Additionally, the traditional approach to marketing is less cost-effective as compared to blogging, which makes blogging more popular among B2B marketers.
Here we have revealed some of the best blogging secrets that can help get you some great results for your business.
10 golden rules of blogging that you need to know as a beginner

1. Gain knowledge about SEO
The SEO industry is fast-changing, making it important to distinguish between SEO and on-page SEO. SEO covers a broader spectrum beyond the boundaries of the website, whereas on-page SEO is about your web page and how to optimize it for better performance. The focus of SEO has changed since 2012; now, the effort goes into creating high-quality websites rather than trying to tweak Google algorithms. In any case, these algorithms no longer work.
Additionally, use the correct metadata tags that will allow search engines to correctly categorize your blog content. You can boost your website rankings by having a logical site structure and using the best search keyword combinations to enhance your user experience.

2. Establish business credibility and trust
One of the most important things to ensure lasting success for your business is to focus on delivering high-quality, fact-based content. Your content needs to be authentic, as valuable information is more engaging for your readers. Align your content with your company’s brand values and use social proofs along with customer testimonials to build trust among your customers. Your blog can be an effective platform for building relationships with and connecting with influencers related to your industry. Make sure to ask for shares, re-tweets, reviews, and recommendations that can help boost your online engagement

3. Create long-form content
Content length is extremely important for achieving high rankings for your website; usually, blogs posts that are longer than 1500 words tend to perform better than shorter posts. Long posts are the best strategy to adopt if you want a greater number of shares for your content and more traffic to your blog. Additionally, using relevant and higher quality images can improve the readability of your blog and also help boost engagement levels among your target audience.

4. Build your own niche product
You might be gaining monetary benefit by selling other companies’ products through affiliate sales or adverts, but it’s definitely worth starting and selling your own product line once your blog gets a good amount of traffic. Besides, you can build greater authority and credibility for your products among your own unique customer base, both of which will get you more money, and faster.

5. Use linkable assets that sell
Think in terms of your target audience to create eye-catching content that can be linked to any simple asset. For example, e-books or e-courses that can be downloaded can be great starters, as are printables like cheat sheets and planners, and digital subscriptions. Aim for assets that can be helpful to a wide variety of people. The key is that it has to be interesting and informative enough for your target audience to share and recommend it to others. For example, this colorful and visually appealing infographic shown below is great for communicating information with your readers in an engaging manner.

6. Target your audience and not just the search engines
One of the best ways to increase engagement and gain viewership for your blog is to write posts focused on your readers, rather than the bots. In fact, high-quality content written especially for your key audience can boost your website rankings and also bring greater success for your business. Create unique content that your customers want to see and make sure it is easy to follow and understand. Choose a regular frequency for updating your blog so that your readers can look forward to reading your content. Engage readers by asking them questions, organizing competitions, and encouraging them to share their opinions on different topics. Stay away from keyword stuffing, as it will not help improve traffic for your website nor improve your website rankings.

7. Focus on a specific niche
It’s always better to write content on topics of which you are well-informed or of industries which you have professional expertise. This will help attract more visitors, who can be quickly turned into leads by establishing trust and credibility. In turn, you will be able to cater to a specific, niche audience who will look forward to reading your future posts with greater enthusiasm.

8. Learn about your target audience
Gain insight towards your audience, such as the topics that interest them, through the use of analytics or other methods. If they prefer a specific style or type of blog content, you can keep that information in mind when creating your post, and stick to those guidelines to create greater engagement and drive higher traffic to your website.

9. Do not overemphasize money posts
You may be penalized by Google if your sole focus is earning more with your blog; they may be even treated as spam by your audience. Create high quality, informative content that provides greater value to your readers. This can, in turn, help sell your products more easily and effectively to your customers.

10. Avoid using free platforms for your blogs
As a newbie to blogging, it might be quite confusing to decide which is the best platform for your blogging needs. Stay away from free blogging platforms that lack user experience optimization and which offer fewer opportunities for monetization. On the other hand, websites such as WordPress are more customizable and economical to use. Think in terms of your target audience to create eye-catching content that can be linked to any simple asset. For example, e-books or e-courses that can be downloaded can be great starters, as are printables like cheat sheets and planners, and digital subscriptions. Aim for assets that can be helpful to a wide variety of people. The key is that it has to be interesting and informative enough for your target audience to share and recommend it to others. For example, this colorful and visually appealing infographic shown below is great for communicating information with your readers in an engaging manner.
The key to successful blogging lies in learning the tricks of the trade, such as adopting the right SEO strategies and creating powerful and effective content that resonates with your target audience. Focus on the strategies included above to learn some of the basic tips of blogging and get started on your successful blogging career. Courtesy of